Veganism beyond the trend: Adapting to a plant-based lifestyle sustainably

In a world where veganism has evolved from a niche lifestyle to a mainstream movement, Rohini Bajekal adopted the practice long before it gained widespread recognition.

Ayurveda meets vegan beauty

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic health, provides invaluable insights that align seamlessly with a vegan lifestyle.

Thank God. I got all the help I needed at the right time with help of the NHS and my family, who insisted I went to the hospital; this saved my life. Today, I am fortunate enough to be one of the many faces of the NHS and the Stroke Awareness...

34-year-old midwife, Emily Dial, who works at the Frankfort Regional Center in Kentucky, USA, scrubbed up, put on a pair of sterilised gloves and performed her own caesarean section and delivered her daughter. She hopes to show other mothers...

Nina Khaira, a 38-year-old dentist from Cornwall, gave birth in October 2015 and eight days later, she was back in hospital fighting for her life.

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