Tips to improve metabolism, do’s and don’ts to remember

Wednesday 08th June 2022 08:00 EDT

Having a great metabolism is important for the healthy functioning of the body. It is the process by which your body converts what you consume into energy. Having a slow metabolism not only leads to weight gain but a series of health issues from skin troubles, hair loss, chronic fatigue, difficulty in concentration to unhealthy cravings.

In Ayurveda, metabolism is often used interchangeably with metabolic rate and can be taken as the time required by tissues for exogenous metabolism from nutrients.

The principles of Ayurveda, to improve metabolism, dictate avoiding

- Eating at irregular times and during late night - Consuming foods that are not wholesome - Eating before the last meal is fully digested - Having heavy meals - Consuming too much water - Consuming alcohol - Eating incompatible foods - Eating contaminated foods - Consuming fine powder - Eating newly cropped cereals.

So what should one do for good metabolism? One should strive to lead an active life and consume two main diets in a day at proper intervals so as to ensure the previously consumed diet is digested well. It is also important to note that fruits should always be consumed before a meal.

Variety in dietary items is also suggested but mixing good - which means homemade and fresh - and bad food items should be avoided to improve metabolism. Packaged, tinned, ready to eat, fast food, refrigerated for a long duration, outside food items, food items having opposite properties as fish and milk, fruits and milk, stale and contaminated food must be avoided.

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