Scientists develop molecule that reverses antibiotic resistance

Wednesday 25th January 2017 06:10 EST

In a significant breakthrough, scientists have developed a molecule that reverses antibiotic resistance in multiple strains of bacteria at once. Earlier, infections which were easily treatable have grown immune to antibiotics – but scientists have now created a molecule that attacks an enzyme which makes bacteria resistant.

The molecule reverses antibiotic resistance and could allow us to use medicine that are currently useless. "We’ve lost the ability to use many of our mainstream antibiotics," lead researcher Bruce Geller from Oregon State University, said.

"Everything’s resistant to them now. That’s left us to try to develop new drugs to stay one step ahead of the bacteria, but the more we look the more we don’t find anything new," he said. "So that's left us with making modifications to existing antibiotics, but as soon as you make a chemical change, the bugs mutate and now they're resistant to the new, chemically modified antibiotics.”

These superbugs have been deemed a “fundamental threat” by the United Nations and it is predicted they will kill 300 million people by 2050, according to a report.

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