Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine that originated in India. Ayurveda literally means the science of life. To this day, there are several foods and food items that Indians refrain from intaking, or combining as they are considered to be opposite properties.
Consuming ‘Viruddha Ahaar,’ can release an energy called Vipaka, and can lead to several health problems. Certain combinations have opposite properties, or have an unwanted effect on the body when processed in a particular form, exert undesirable effects when combined in a certain proportion, or unwanted effect if consumed at the wrong time.
There are several such food combinations that are harmful for our health.
Milk and fish: Milk and fish are two foods that are completely incompatible to each other. Milk is cold and fish is heating, which is why, combining the two vitiates the blood and causes obstruction of the body’s channels.
Banana and milk: The combination of bananas with any kind of dairy like milk, curds, or buttermilk, can diminish digestion and produce toxins in the body. Eating this combination can lead to cold, cough, and allergies.
Curd and cheese: Curds can cause swelling and aggravate blood, pitta, and kappa. Cheese can take a long time to digest and can cause constipation so those with weak digestion should avoid cheese and yogurt no matter what. Curds are ideal to eat in winter, but should not be consumed at night.
Honey and ghee: Mixing equal quantities of ghee and honey can cause opposite reactions in the body, as honey has heating, drying properties, while ghee has a cooling, moisturising quality.