Valentine’s day either warms your heart or makes you want to run and hide. Whichever camp you fall into is perfect and whole, that said, I am here to remind you who your biggest cheerleader is - you. Stay with me, I have evidence. No one knows you as well as you know yourself, not even your ma and this means that only you have the answer to how you can 1. Like and 2. Love yourself more than you already are. Valentine's week or not, these are reflections worth sticking to everyday.
I am so happy to have you in my community, virtual hug or wave if that’s more your thing. This week is about all about liking and loving thy self. It is one for everyone and if you are tempted to skip-over, this is especially for you.
Before you can go on any of the self-care, love or appreciation journey you need to ask yourself how much you like yourself first. To contemplate this, you could take a minute to stop and sit with yourself. We can all find a minute, promise there no candles or incense sticks required. Breathe in and out a couple of times and notice if you have any tightness in your body. What message is that tightness giving you? Are you being easy or hard on yourself? Close your eyes, breathe in kindness and send to that place or any place in your body that needs it the most. Take a second to reflect on how that makes you feel. Now thank yourself for priortising you.
There is a power within that can lead you to good health, happy relationships and fulfilling careers. Firstly, you must believe that this is possible, and secondly, release any patterns of self-destruction that you do not want in your life.
A helpful place to start is to identify with what brings you inner happiness and peace. Often, we can search for these things externally however they sit within you, I have been practicing this for the past few months and as a result I have felt more in control of my life experience, been in nature more consciously, paid attention to what I eat and deleted social media apps that were draining my energy. I encourage you to try it out as well, in your own way and please do let me know how you get on! The goal is to stop looking 'outside' of yourself to fulfil a void and to find and drive that fulfillment from within.
Now repeat these 5 Affirmations:
Mind - "My narrative is my choice."
We can always change that voice if it isn’t serving us
Body - "I honour and respect my body."
Love yourself as you are, you are beautiful and unique
Heart - "I access my personal power."
There is always a way and you have everything you need to lead
Breath - "I feel calmer and peaceful with each breath I take."
You govern your state and how you show-up, use your breath to help you anchor
Truth - "I have the power to go within before reacting."
It can always end better and you can always choose peace
Whenever you feel blue, down, unsatisfied, unloved, keep affirming these 5 affirmations and you will feel lifted and hopeful again.
Repeat this week’s intention:
I will like and love myself for all that I am
Tune-in to Saha Mindset Podcast (spotify, anchor). I got to sit down with Aishwarya Ajit to talk about all thing’s life - including friendship, single - motherhood, social media, boundaries, and life values. Aishwarya, who is a mum to a little one, a television presenter, and a beauty and lifestyle blogger, shares her insights on being a woman who is authentic and unapologetic.
Watch ‘Invisible No More: 5 Steps to Being Your Best Self’ on Youtube. It’s live! My love letter to YOU, wherever you are in the world this is the message waiting to be heard just by you. The best gift you can give yourself is time for YOU. These 5 Steps to Being Your Best Self are a tried and tested way (based on scientific evidence) to anchor you in times of chaos. Watch, listen, write copious notes and share your comments on the tube itself oh and don’t forget to download my free e-book: