Habits that can damage your kidneys

Wednesday 17th August 2022 08:00 EDT

Unhealthy lifestyle could increase the risk of kidney diseases significantly. It is important to exercise regularly, eat healthy, avoid smoking and drinking, over-the-counter painkillers and drink the required amount of water to keep your kidneys in good shape. Dr. Shri Ram Kabra, Director Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Medicine Marengo QRG Hospital, says one should avoid the following common bad habits that may harm your kidneys.

Overuse of over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications and body building health supplements, if you use them on a regular basis for chronic pain, headaches or arthritis, you are advised to discontinue them immediately.

Regular use of excessive salts pose a threat to the kidney as they not only generate excessive sodium load but also cause hypertension. So, it is suggested to focus on eating fresh, naturally low-sodium foods such as cauliflower, blueberries, seafood and healthy grains.

More consumption of processed food is dangerous. They are loaded with sodium and phosphorus. Patients with kidney disease should refrain from eating packaged food. Consuming high phosphorus, processed foods can be detrimental to the kidneys and bones.

Eating too much sugar can cause obesity, which raises your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, resulting in kidney disease. So cut down the sugar intake. Similarly, avoid regular consumption of biscuits, condiments, cereals and white bread as they all contain sugar.

Not getting enough sleep can be problematic. It is a vital time when kidneys regenerate its damaged tissues and a poor sleep-wake cycle may not only damage this organ, but may also cause high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, which in turn may cause a decrease in kidney blood flow.

Not keeping yourself hydrated can be harmful. You should drink good amount of water to hydrate yourself as it not only maintains blood circulation of the kidneys but also helps in excreting metabolic wastes and prevents painful kidney stone formation. Patients with kidney problems need less fluid intake. But people with healthy kidneys should drink 3-4 litres of water daily.

Not exercising regularly is a way to develop kidney complications. Sitting for too long is associated with the development of kidney disease. An inactive lifestyle can have adverse effects on kidney health. Do regular aerobic exercises with a 40- minute walk at least 4 times a week.

Eating too much meat can damage your kidney too. Animal protein is known to produce high amounts of acid in the blood which can be detrimental to the kidneys and cause acidosis.

Smoking is harmful to your health which includes your kidneys. People who smoke are prone to having protein in their urine, which is a sign of kidney damage. Quit or limit smoking as quitting smoking can improve the blood flow of the kidneys.

Extreme alcohol consumption: High alcohol intake may raise uric acid generation and damage your kidneys and hence it is mandatory to cut down on alcohol intake.

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