Get workers healthy with office-hour lifestyle exercises

Monday 09th March 2015 18:34 EDT

The programme was administered at the workplace and developed by University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health.

"Health care expenditures associated with diabetes are spiralling, causing widespread concern, particularly for employers who worry about their employees' health and productivity," said lead author M. Kaye Kramer from University of Pittsburgh.

The programme comprised 22 sessions over a one-year period and aimed at helping people make lifestyle changes to improve health.

Over the course of a year, participants lost an average of five percent of their body weight (10 pounds) and shrunk their waistlines by about two inches.

They also increased their physical activity almost two-fold.

Of the participants, 96 percent said they felt it was beneficial to offer the programme at the worksite, and 99 percent said they would recommend it to their co-workers.

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