The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is far from over. Even with the reopening economies and the onset of summer, there is not much done to curb spread of the virus. Doctors and experts from all over the world have urged the public to wear masks and maintain social distancing. Yes, there is speculation on the effectiveness of wearing masks, but this is all we have right now.
According to The Lancet journal, keeping at least one-metre distance and wearing face masks and goggles are the best ways to cut the risk of Covid infection. Co-lead of the research, Holger Schünemann from McMaster University in Canada says, “Our findings are the first to synthesise all direct information on Covid, SARS, and MERS, and provide the currently best available evidence on the optimum use of these common and simple interventions to help 'flatten the curve'.”
Some of the most common ways for the virus to spread are via droplets, especially when people cough, and it can enter through the eyes, nose, and mouth. Researchers have also found that though physical distancing of at least one metre lowers the risk of the pandemic transmission, a distance of two metre could be more effective.