A recent report reveals contact tracing apps are unlikely to contain the spread of Covid -19 without proper public health control measures such as physical distancing and closure of indoor spaces. Lancet Digital Health reveals systematic review shows that evidence around the effectiveness of automated contact tracing systems is currently very limited. The researchers suggest that large-scale manual contact tracing alongside other public health control measures is likely to be required in conjunction with automated approaches.
Researchers from University College London (UCL) in the UK found 15 relevant studies by reviewing more than 4,000 papers on automated and partially-automated contact tracing. Lead author Isobel Braithwaite from UCL was quoted as saying, “Across a number of modelling studies, we found a consistent picture that although automated contact tracing could support manual contact tracing, the systems will require large-scale uptake by the population and strict adherence to quarantine advice by contacts notified to have a significant impact on reducing transmission.”
Braithwaite said, “Although automated contact-tracing shows some promise in helping reduce transmission of Covid-19 within communities, our research highlighted the urgent need for further evaluation of these apps within public health practice.” They added, “None of the studies we found provided real-world evidence of their effectiveness, and to improve our understanding of how they could support manual contact tracing systems.”