Cereal companies 'hiding high levels of sugar by shunning traffic light labelling on their packaging'

Wednesday 09th August 2017 11:12 EDT

Breakfast cereal firms are ‘hiding’ the levels of sugar in their products by shunning traffic light labels, campaigners have said.

Dorset Cereals, Rude Health and Eat Natural have no nutrition labels on the front of their packs.

And while Kellogg’s, Nestle and Jordans do use labels, they are not colour coded as recommended by the Department of Health.

Poor labelling leads us to eat more sugar than is healthy, fuelling dangerous levels of obesity, campaign group Action on Sugar argues.

It added many cereal brands, often targeted at children, would have red labels for sugar if they were to use the traffic light system. It says all products should use the same traffic light labels – red, amber and green on the front of packs to identify high, medium or low levels of sugar, fat and salt.

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