On Tuesday, the 21st of February, the High Commission of India hosted a team of upcoming Indian fashion designers and curators who recently won the award for ‘Best Country’ for their exhibit at the International Fashion Showcase (IFS), London.
The IFS, created by the British Council, British Fashion Council and Mercedes-Benz, is an exciting part of the London Fashion Week's public programme. Held from 17th February to 21st February this year at the Somerset House, it was a series of specially commissioned and curated fashion installations featuring exhibits by emerging international designers from 28 countries. IFS began in 2012, and is now an annual feature that supports and promotes new designers. It also attracts journalists, bloggers, retailers as well as the general public.
The theme of this year’s exhibition was ‘Local/Global’. The Indian exhibit was titled ‘The Indian Pastoralists’. Among India’s pastoral communities – nomadic groups renowned for their artisanal skill as much as their animal-herding expertise – a keen awareness of the need to share and protect natural resources, preserve historic mechanisms, and maintain their social fabric has enabled ancient traditions to survive in the face of increasing deforestation, desertification and industrialisation. For the country’s new generation of fashion designers, the Indian pastoralist lifestyle offers inspiring solutions to the global fashion industry’s ever-growing focus on sustainability, providing a starting-point for contemporary reinterpretations of India’s internationally celebrated textile and craft heritage.
For designer Karishma Shahani Khan (creator of [KA] [SHA] womenswear), the inspiration for the exhibit stands as an ode to one of India’s most iconic pastoral nomads, Rabaris who are pre-dominantly based in Kutch. For Kaleekal by Alan Alexander Kaleekal (Menswear), the Pastoral Community Inspiration is from Toda, Nilgiri hills, South India. Ikai by Ragini Ahuja (Womenswear), has drawn inspiration from the Pastoral Community in Drokpa, Ladakh, Northern India whereas P.E.L.L.A. by Priyanka Ella Lorena Lama (Womenswear) has from Lachen & Lachung tribes, Sikkim, North-east India, Antar-Agni by Ujjawal Dubey (Menswear) gets his inspiration from the Van Gujjars, Himalayas, Northern India. The exhibition featured conceptual installation elements designed in collaboration with spatial design expert Wasim Khan and sustainable furniture designer Sandeep Sangaru. ‘The Indian Pastoralists’ was curated and organised by IMG Reliance, and supported by 6Degree, Etihad Airways, and Lakme Fashion Week.
His Excellency Ambassador Mr. Dinesh K. Patnaik, the deputy high commissioner of India to the UK, welcomed and congratulated the winning team. He urged them to develop and market garments for untapped global consumer markets, so as to popularise Indian fashion in the UK.