PNB appoints Niraj Gupta as new MD in the UK

Wednesday 10th June 2015 06:15 EDT

Punjab National Bank (International) Limited (PNBIL), a UK incorporated bank operating through 7 branches and having corporate office at 1, Moorgate London, has appointed Niraj Gupta as its new managing director in place of Bhupinder Singh, who will be returning to India to join the parent bank.

At the farewell function, Bhupinder Singh said, “I am delighted that after three and a half years at the helm of PNBIL, I go back with a sense of satisfaction as these were one of the best times of my life. It has been a great pleasure working with the customers, members of the management board, staff, and other organisations. The bank has been able to achieve greater heights while serving to the society. I thankfully appreciate your support and understanding as we have achieved so much together. I am confident that under the leadership of Gupta, the bank is destined for a vibrant future ahead with the necessary building blocks in place. I wish you would accord the same access to my successor whom I highly recommend as a dependable person.”

"This is a great time to take charge of PNBIL and I am really excited about it,” says Gupta. “The banks have been instrumental in contributing towards economic development and service to the society and the expectations from the banks post financial crisis make the role of all those involved in the banking sector ever more important and I am sincerely hopeful that PNBIL can play a key role in meeting these significant changes."

Gupta is a seasoned banker with an experience of over 30 years in various verticals of banking. He was working as head of circle/zone with the bank in India which serves to more than 90 million customers through more than 6,800 branches. With full responsibility for the leadership and development of PNBIL, Gupta will play a pivotal role in meeting the bank’s strategic goals as well as building on the firm's outstanding reputation for personalised service and delivery to clients.

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