Gujarat woos IT firms with new incentives

Wednesday 17th February 2016 04:53 EST

The Gujarat government has announced a new IT&ITes Policy offering several incentives, with a view to support and match with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Digital India programme and promote the state's IT industry. The policy aims to increase investment, exports and turnover of the field and employment creation. The policy promises many incentives for creating IT and ITes parks as well as IT units.

Some of the main sops include facilitation of land allotment, capital subsidy, stamp duty and registration concession, power tariff subsidy and electricity duty reimbursements, lease rental subsidy and VATCSTGST incentives. The policy has also emphasised on innovation, entrepreneurship, setting up of educational and R&D institutions apart from focusing on financial services, mobile applications, animation, 3D gaming, digital entertainment, cloud and big data.

All the new ITITes parks and units established during the operative period of the policy are eligible for incentives, along with the expansions by the existing units.

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