During my speeches in London, Dubai, Kolkotta, Delhi and Mumbai(!) I met a lot of people that kept asking me the same question and I thought it would be a nice subject for my article. The question was pretty simple: is it better to trade confined...

Speaking on Economic Times Now TV in Delhi I’m asked about the Indian Budget I made clear that whatever happens India as a long term investment is clear. But it really needs in order to get NRI investments like the ones reading this paper to...

Dear Financial Voice Reader,How many stocks does a financial TV channel mention in a day? Easily 100. With so much markets information how do you avoid stock ideas overload? Or perhaps you have the opposite problem  - can’t get enough good ideas?

Dear Financial Voice Reader,I created the Financial Voice section of this paper many years ago because I know as a community we are very saavy when it comes to money. But also because I felt a community, campaigning paper of such importance...

Dear Financial Voice Reader,I write to you from New York, just as the US loses it’s crown as the world’s largest economy this week. Over the past 2000 years there have only been four countries which have held the title of ‘world’s largest economy’....

Unlike his trip to Sri Lanka, where David Cameron raised the issue of human rights, the British Prime Minister strategically avoided an important issue during his visit to China. Another upsetting incident was ban on a British journalist to...

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