Apparently a Hindu Nationalist in India managed to fool millions of Muslims to vote for him and therefore for their own annihilation, and he is, as we speak, building concentration camps in India because he's apparently a Hindu extremist
On the panel as Dealmaker in the Department for Business and Trade, in the Indian High Commission and FICCI event, I am looking for in the Global Entrepreneur Programme scale up companies whose founders would be suitable for the UK Innovator...
Independent minded and giving strength to the rest of the nation is what the Spartans were known for.
Apparently a Hindu Nationalist in India managed to fool millions of Muslims to vote for him and therefore for their own annihilation, and he is, as we speak, building concentration camps in India because he's apparently a Hindu extremist
When a country is 70% Hindu, and is the only historic home of the oldest of all faiths, then that country is home, wherever its sons and daughters may live
With a PM Modi victory looking highly likely, I was asked by the Daily Express how important India will be to the UK economically
I write to you from Malibu where I have been meeting Tulsi Gabbard, the Congresswoman looking to be the next President of the United States
I write to you from Silicon Valley. I want to share with my readers insights because of the number of Indians here running the Valley
An American politician once said all politics is local
The Financial Times Money Editor, for whom I used to write my weekly column, asked this week if women make better investors
An American politician once said all politics is local. I think today, that’s wrong. Having spent my time involved in the local and mayoral elections, I think it is more global than ever.
The old joke goes, that we have so many Indians in Britain because when the British were leaving India in 1947, a whole bunch of Indians at India Gate in Mumbai, shouted at the last British ship, “Hey, where do you think you’re going? We are...
The old joke goes, that we have so many Indians in Britain because when the British were leaving India in 1947, a whole bunch of Indians at India Gate in Mumbai, shouted at the last British ship, “Hey, where do you think you’re going? We are...