Alpesh Patel’s Political Sketchbook: The (Indian) Women Who Increasingly Rule the World

Wednesday 19th July 2023 06:58 EDT

In the grand tapestry of global finance, a vibrant thread has emerged, weaving a tale of empowerment, resilience, and sheer brilliance. It's the tale of India, a burgeoning economic powerhouse, and the formidable women who are steering its course.

The recent G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers meeting in Gujarat, India, was a testament to this narrative. Among the distinguished attendees were two women of Indian origin who have etched their names in the annals of global finance - India's Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, and her counterpart at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Gita Gopinath.

Sitharaman, the first woman to hold the finance portfolio full-time in India, has been instrumental in shaping India's economic policy, steering it through the choppy waters of the pandemic. On the other hand, Gopinath, as the first woman Chief Economist of the IMF, has been a beacon of wisdom, guiding global economic policy through her incisive analysis and forecasts.

These women, in their respective roles, influence the fate of billions. Their decisions ripple through the global economy, affecting everything from the price of a loaf of bread in Bangalore to the interest rates on a mortgage in Melbourne.

Their rise to these positions of power is not just a testament to their individual brilliance but also a reflection of the changing face of India and its growing clout in global finance. It's a story of a nation that is increasingly embracing the potential of its women, recognizing that the path to economic prosperity is paved with gender equality.

However, this journey is not without its challenges. Women in finance, like in many other sectors, face a myriad of obstacles - from gender bias and stereotypes to the lack of equal opportunities and representation. These challenges are not unique to India but are a global phenomenon that needs to be addressed.

In the UK Parliament, we are hosting an event to shed light on these issues, to discuss the challenges faced by women in business, and to chart a path forward. We believe that the stories of Sitharaman and Gopinath can serve as an inspiration, a beacon of what is possible when women are given the opportunity to shine. I am co-hosting this as Chair of the City Hindus Network and as President of the India League ( with our friends without whom the event could not take place – City Sikhs Network.

In conclusion, the importance of India and women in finance cannot be overstated. As we move forward, it is imperative that we continue to champion gender equality, to break down the barriers that hold women back, and to celebrate the achievements of trailblazers like Sitharaman and Gopinath. After all, a nation's true wealth lies not in its coffers but in the potential of its people, and it's high time we realized the untapped potential of our women.

So, let's raise a toast to the women in finance, to the women who are breaking the glass ceiling, one financial report at a time. Here's to a future where the face of finance is not just a man in a suit, but also a woman in a saree or a hijab or a business suit. Here's to a future where the fate of billions is not just decided by men in boardrooms, but also by women who bring their unique perspectives and insights to the table.

And as we say in India, Jai Hind.

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