People just need to calm the hell down about Brexit/Remain. It’s all a grey area and either way Britain will find a road to greatness. Bloody hell they survived the Romans, the plague, French invasions, Spanish invasions (well attempts), Papal wars, World Wars. So just calm the hell down.
Remain will win by 63% to 37% for out. Don’t get upset. Do some yoga and meditate.
But so many voting Remain want to give the EU a bloody good hiding. We want to say to the rest of Europe to stop asking for money and telling us what to do and maybe those who did not themselves benefit from economic migration also want to say ‘stop sending us migrants’.
Oh, Brexit will lose not on the arguments or the case made by Boris or Gove. Incidentally they’ve totally elbowed out Priti Patel (Employment Minister) – pretty much the next most senior person in favour of Brexit -because Johnson and Gove know this is a pitch to be PM and like hell are they going to give Priti airtime – fight woman – it’s about profile not principle.
I know a thing or two about media profile, from my own TV shows, to columns in the Financial Times to a reach of 300m for my paper reviews, to my own TV shows, so hear me Priti – this is your best chance at UK wide profile and you are being elbowed out. Airtime for great jobs numbers is nowhere near as important as airtime from now until 23rd June.
How many women complain about white middle class men in the workplace dominating the conversation – well don’t let Johnson and Gove do that to you. Come on, sharp elbows – push to the front. Do it not just for the cause, screw the cause, do it because women need to see you at the front, because ethnic minorities need to see you at the front and because white men telling the rest of us how bad immigration just looks racist.
Don’t get me wrong – I don’t want Priti to tell us immigration is bad, after all the child of immigrants making that argument borders on denial or dementia – but just make other arguments on camera. Whatever happened to diversity? I don’t know where Johnson and Gove hide her, but she’s not even in background shots. Come on woman – let’s hear you roar.
I first met Priti at the home of a former Tory Cabinet member who was hosting Margaret Thatcher who had come especially for Priti’s campaign to be MP. Margaret would not let white middle aged men elbow her out of the way.
Anyway – over to Brexit/Remain. You know how we are fed up of the shouting over statistics – seriously I query the IQ of most MPs who think that playground banter matters. Let me tell politicians about politics – all political victories come down to hope. Every single one. Not fear. Never fear. Even Hitler – promised hope to his people, not fear of immigrants – that can come later once you’re in power.
Anyway, politics 101 over, Brexit could have learnt from how Gandhi framed another British decision – not Quit EU, but Quit India.
He said, ‘I am not anti-foreigner, I am anti-foreign rule. I am not anti-British, I am anti-British rule, I prefer the imperfect rule of my own people to the perfect rule of foreigners.’
So too with Brexit – there lacks a politician of statesmanship, or stature, of greatness who inspires hope. Who says, ‘I am not anti-EU, I am against EU rule. I seek Independence for Britain. Consider unbound what we can do as a free country.’ Why did India leave an Empire – the most richest and powerful in the world? Why did they stay with it for so long? The argument had not been framed by enough politicians in the right way for so long. Hope beats fear.
After all as Gandhi said, 100,000 British soldiers cannot control 100m Indians if those Indians do not wish it. You make them wish it, by making them believe in hope over overcoming fears you need not state – and those fears we tangible of civil war and genocide in India – even then adept politicians achieved more through hope. Never think it was inevitable. Australia was a dominion until just a few decades ago and still carries the British flag within its own.