The Government of Pakistan is self-styled protector of Islam globally. It has only Malaysia and Turkey backing it as the other Islamic Republics fight among themselves between the two major sects or are too embarrassed to be represented by a State sponsor of terrorism and peoples they consider their inferior.
They issued a statement from their High Commission due to the troubles in Leicester. They referenced their new self-assigned role and promotion for the Umma.
The policy of the ISI who run Pakistani Foreign Affairs on matters relating to India and Balochistan is to use increasingly its diaspora to disrupt relations and reputations of the Indian diaspora worldwide. At a State level, terrorism is not so viable now that their channels are penetrated by Western Intelligence Agencies.
The policy is to harass the Indian diaspora to incite them through provocation by the use of jihadis to violence and reputational damage. It is to use MPs to portray ‘Hindu’ as extremist by using words such as Nationalist, Nazi, RSS and Hindutva.
Of course this strategy is fooling no one either in the UK Government or in India. I worked in the US Congress for Congressman Eliot Engel on lobbying the State Department and White House to have Pakistan declared a terrorist State (long before Trump said the same and before the man behind 9/11 was found in Pakistan).
Through that work I’ve seen the Indian Public Diplomacy initiative grow with pride. Just as there are many who wish to portray Jews as terrorists and Zionists, so this is the ISI doctrine. It only takes a couple of High Commission officers to speak, encourage and inform intermediaries to the jihadis.
Thankfully they’re a lot more effective in far away Afghanistan than in the UK.
So let’s turn to the Modi doctrine. When a country is 70% Hindu, and the only historic home of the oldest of all faiths, then that country is home, wherever its sons and daughters may live.
For too long nations have limited their protection to their own Citizens. India, must extend this principle – to cover all those whose ancestors have called Hindustan their home.
Because unlike those of all other faiths, Hindus have no traditional, ancestral home, except India, it must be the policy of your Government that all Hindus wherever they are in the world will be extended the umbrella of protection of your Government.
The first determinant of your relations with any Foreign Government must be their treatment of the Hindu population within their borders. It has to be the business of this Government how Hindus are treated worldwide. If they want better relations with India, first make the best relations with Hindus in their own country.
This doctrine is not novel in international relations. The people of Israel provide protection for Jews wherever they are in the world, of whichever nationality. We shall extend no lesser protection to Hindus.
Nor should anyone ask, what of those of other faiths? Muslims, Christians, those of all other faiths who are Indian nationals will continue to have the full unwavering protections of the Indian State.
As Hindustan becomes and economic superpower, what use this wealth, this status, the hands of friendship of other nations, if they do not respect our people, for Hindus wherever they are will always be Hindustani first.
The Hindu nation is not confined to borders drawn by a colonial power. We are the Hindu nation, world over.
Extend this Doctrine to all Dharmic faiths who have no home except India – including the Sikhs, Jains, Parsees too.
I have termed this the Modi-Patel doctrine in tribute to India’s first Deputy PM, Sardar Patel, who was responsible with bringing all the States into the Union at Independence and thereby earned the title the ‘Iron Man of India’. Hereafter India will be Iron-like in its resolve in the protection of Hindus.
The riots of 2002 are testament to why Hindus need and must be protected, for it was there hundreds of Hindus were burnt alive, and the carnage and consequences for Muslims thereafter was truly horrific.
Therefore expect the full support of the global Muslim population that Hindus should nowhere in the world ever feel a minority. We will no longer stand afraid of protecting our own, for fear of offending others. We will no longer feel a minority in our own homeland.
Jai Hind.