Kiren Jogi, Artistic Director of Curl Girl Theatre Production, initially planned to become a child psychologist until attending a Bollywood concert inspired...
Kiren Jogi, Artistic Director of Curl Girl Theatre Production, initially planned to become a child psychologist until attending a Bollywood concert inspired her to pursue acting. A graduate in Drama from the University of Aberystwyth, Kiren...
‘Ananta: The Eternal’ is currently playing at the Edinburgh Fringe at Dance Base 3 and will run until August 25.
Kiren Jogi, Artistic Director of Curl Girl Theatre Production, initially planned to become a child psychologist until attending a Bollywood concert inspired...
‘Ananta: The Eternal’ is currently playing at the Edinburgh Fringe at Dance Base 3 and will run until August 25.
The Hampton Court Palace is celebrating the lives of fascinating individuals from the Palace’s 500-year history through a selection of dynamic live performances...
Before relocating to London, Sasha Ghoshal was an acclaimed Rabindrasangeet singer in India, specialising in the music of Rabindranath Tagore. He made...
Frankie Goes To Bollywood is a story of British born Frankie from Milton Keynes, who lost her mum – an aspirant actress, as a child. She grows up adoring...
Winner of X Factor India (2011) Geet Sagar is set to join the cast of Rifco Theatre Company’s musical spectacle, Frankie Goes to Bollywood, for the concluding...
A musical theatre celebrating a big fat Indian wedding made its West End debut on Tuesday 16 July. ‘Mrs Kapoor’s Daughter’s Wedding 2 – Mauritius’ staged...
Sanskruti Centre for Cultural Excellence hosted the Sanskrit play Bhagavadajjukam at the Nehru Centre (ICCR London) recently. The event is organised as part of the project signed with the world's only multi-campus language University- Central...
Preparations are underway for Riverdance: The New 25th Anniversary Show which is set for a UK tour starting from August 26th.
A new revival of the classic play East is East is to return to Birmingham 25 years after premiering at the city’s Repertory Theatre in 1996. Since then,...