A media report has revealed that Bhatt prodigy Alia was the first choice for Prabhas' tri-lingual 'Saaho'. There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the film, with rumours saying that southern actress Anushka Shetty was the first choice for the film, however, the key role was finally grabbed by Shraddha Kapoor. Now a new report said that Alia was approached way before the 'Ek Villain' actress. “Apparently, Karan Johar was super excited about this collaboration, and he tried very hard to convince Alia to sign this film as this would have also been her South debut too. But looking at the heroine's role which barely had any scenes in the film compared to Prabhas, Bhatt rejected the film,” the report read.
A source close to Alia said, “Alia is currently busy setting a league of her own by taking up some really good performance-oriented roles. So at a stage when she's setting such a bright example as far as her film choice are concerned, she doesn't want to break the chain by doing a film where she is more like a supporting cast. Even her family approved of her decision and have no regrets whatsoever.”