Composer AR Rahman has expressed interest in making Thalapathy Vijay sing in his upcoming 'Thalapathy 62'. The Oscar-winner composer has worked with the actor in 'Udhaya', 'Azhagiya', and 'Mersal'. Speaking on the sidelines of 7Up's 'Netru Indru Naalai' concert, Rahman said, “I will surely explore the option of making Vijay sing in the album. But it depends on the song. You shouldn't push someone to do something; it's for his movie at the end of the day. Let's see.”
Rahman said, “I'm collaborating with Murugadoss after 10 years. He is very talented and picturises songs very well. It's great to be back with him after 10 years. Those who want music different from the songs of 'Mersal' will love this.” The composer also congratulated Rajinikanth's political plunge, saying, “I personally feel that the state needs strong leadership. Whoever comes in, whether it is Rajinikanth or not, must cater to the needs of the people in bettering infrastructure, music and arts, and make lives better for all the farmers. I feel that kind of a miracle should happen.”