Vijay Sethupathi is officially joining superstar Rajinikanth's upcoming mammoth-sized project with Karthik Subbaraj. The news was announced by Sun Pictures, which will bankroll the movie. “We are happy to announce that for the first time, Vijay Sethupathi will be acting with Superstar Rajini,” they tweeted. It is most likely that he will play the antagonist in the film. The project has several big names associated to it, including Anirudh Ravichander, who has been brought in to compose the music.
Counting this, Vijay now has over nine films to look forward to this year. Rajini, on the other hand, despite entering Tamil Nadu politics, is no where close to retiring as an actor. He has two films slated for a release this year, including Pa Ranjith's 'Kaala', which will release on June 7, and Shankar's '2.0'.