Tamil actor Vijay Sethupathi turned 43 over the weekend, and his social media was flooded with wishes. However, it was a photo from his birthday celebration with the team of his upcoming movie that garnered the most attention. The picture featured Vijay cutting his birthday cake with a sword. People criticised the action, stating it would set the wrong precedent.
The 'Master' actor released a statement, apologising for the move. He wrote. “I thank all celebrities and fans who wished me on my birthday. Three days ago, a picture taken at my office has led to a debate. I am currently acting in a movie directed by Pon Ram sir. The sword is an important part of the movie and hence I cut the cake with that alongside the crew members. Many of them told me that this will set a wrong precedent. Henceforth, I will be more cautious about these things. If the act has hurt anyone, I apologize for that.”