Actor Vijay Sethupathi's upcoming Tamil political drama 'Ka Pe Rana Singam' may just have a direct OTT release. Sources close to the film's producer revealed that producers may be in talks with Amazon Prime. A report quoted a source as saying, “Negotiations are underway for direct OTT release. The producer has initiated talks with Amazon. An official announcement can be expected to be made soon.”
'Ka Pe Ranasingham' has been directed by P Virumandi, produced by Kotapadi J Rajesh under the banner KJR Studios. The film revolves around the story on corporisation and land acquisition by multi-national companies.
Scheduled to hit theatres in April, the movie also stars Rangaraj Pandey, Yogi Babu, Vela Ramamoorthy, Samuthirakani, and Poo Ram in prominent roles. The movie marks the fourth collaboration of Vijay Sethupathi and Aishwarya Rajesh.