Telugu star Vijay Deverakonda, who is gearing up for the release of his new film, 'Dear Comrade' said he is still clueless about stardom because it can't be measured until masses flock in to watch your film at the theatres. He said he can't believe he enjoys the kind of stardom everybody said he does.
"I don't know if this stardom people say I enjoy is true. I'm still worried if people will turn up at the theatres to watch my films. I'm still clueless about stardom because I don't know how to measure it. Stardom only makes sense when it converts into footfalls in the cinema halls. It's the only physical transaction that justifies it," he said.
Meanwhile, a recent viral video of the kind of reception Vijay received in Kerala shows just how much stardom the actor has reached. "I was surprised by that kind of reception. Then again, these are people who don't get to meet me regularly. This was their chance to interact with me. I know there are people who get influenced by what I say and will do anything for me."
Deverakonda believes a lot of factors have contributed to taking him to the place where he is in right now. "I can't point out a few things and say these made me who I'm today. Something as small as my human values class in my school or my upbringing has in some way shaped me and my career. Success gives you the courage to unleash yourself. After the success of two films, I thought I'll start a clothing line and I did it and that's how I want to approach life," he said.
When asked if that courage has been misunderstood as recklessness, he said, "It has to some extent. But there is nothing I can do to change the way some people perceive me. When I have to say something or react to a faceless comment on social media, my team would want me to go easy and say it mildly. But I'm not the President of India to always say the right things. I don't always have to be correct, do I? It's perfectly alright for people to not understand me."