Actor Vijay Deverakonda has revealed his forthcoming Telugu movie 'World Famous Lover' will be his last love story. He made the revelation at the trailer launch of the movie. He said, “I'm aware there would be a lot of excitement among everyone about my film. We've invested lot of efforts in 'World Famous Lover'. But I would like to maintain a low profile about his project. 'World Famous Lover' will be my last love story. I can see myself changing and I am entering a new phase in my career.”
The trailer of the movie, directed by Kranthi Madhav features Vijay once again in the role of an intense and destructive lover. In the film, Vijay Deverakonda is playing four distinct characters and falls in love with four women played by Raashi Khanna, Catherine Tresa, Izabelle Leite and Aishwarya Rajesh.
The movie marks the maiden collaboration between Madhav and Vijay. Set in the backdrop of Singareni Collieries, the movie will revolve around a love triangle between four girls. The film, which has been dubbed in Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada, is gearing up for February 14 release. It is produced by KA Vallabha and has music by Gopi Sunder.
The actor is currently shooting for his next film 'Fighter' with director Puri Jagannadh. The film will see Deverakonda play a character with stutter. He's expected to sport six-pack abs for this project, which is eyeing summer 2020 release.