Actor Vijay's latest release 'Master' has registered a phenomenal opening at the box-office worldwide with over £5 million earnings on the very first day. The movie fared exceptionally at international markets despite Covid-19 restrictions. 'Master' collected a whopping £2.54 million from the first day in Tamil Nadu, grossing a total of £5.25 million worldwide. Box-office tracking portal Cinetrak added that $1.4 million came from overseas markets.
The report also said that the best numbers come from the Gulf where the movie collected $625K, while Singapore collected $224K and Australia collected $200K. Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, 'Master' released across the country with 50 per cent occupancy in theatres. The movie features Vijay in the role of an alcoholic college professor who is sent to a correctional facility to work with young criminals controlled by antagonist Bhavani, played by Vijay Sethupathi.