After the success of her Telugu movie titled 'N.T.R. Kathanayakudu,' Vidya Balan will be making a special appearance in Thala Ajith's next with director H Vinoth which will be the official remake of Bollywood popular film 'Pink'. Ajith will be playing the role of a lawyer in the film which was originally portrayed by ace actor Amitabh Bachchan.
A few days ago there were speculations that Vidya Balan will be playing Ajith wife in the film, but the actress made it clear in an interview that, she will be making a special appearance and the role was personally offered by Boney Kapoor, the producer of this remake. "I'm doing a special appearance in the remake. It's a small role. It's special appearance because Boney ji (Kapoor) is producing it. He offered it to me. He said that there is a special appearance, will you do it? I said I will do it for you. I don't like to do remakes. I'm doing this purely for Boneyji. I share a special affection for him."