Tamil filmmakers Vetrimaaran and Pa Ranjith have declared their support for protesting farmers, along with National award-winning Malayalam actor Salim Kumar. In a Facebook post, Vetrimaaran wrote, “Protest is the expression of people who are not heard otherwise. The power of governance is given to the Government by the People. It should protect the interest of the people, not act as corporate collaborators. Farmers are trying to defend the spirit of the nation. Protesting for their rights and supporting the protest is democracy.”
Vetrimaaran is one of the first southern filmmakers to voice his opinion on the ongoing issue. Meanwhile, Ranjith took to Twitter to express his opinion. He said those questioning the farmers' protest should understand why they're doing it. He wrote, “We stand with farmers & so, we support the cause that the farmers have been fighting for the last few months. People, whoever questions farmer's protest & its supporters, should have a sense that the survival of farmers depends on MSP! #FarmersBill #StandWithFarmers”.