Filmmaker Prashant Neel put all rumours to rest as he confirmed that actor Prakash Raj has not replaced veteran Anant Nag in the upcoming Part 2 of the Kannada action-drama. Nag played a key role of the movie narrator in 'KGF: Chapter 1'. However, he was rumoured to have been replaced by Raj who was seen on the film sets.
Neel, in an interview, confirmed that Raj was not replacing Anant Nag, but was playing an entirely different character. He said, “Prakash Raj is definitely not a replacement to Anant Nag. He is a new entry and this is a new character in the movie.” The film shooting resumed earlier this week in Bengaluru. The director revealed that they still have about 25 days of shooting left with some major action sequences to be shot.
There are also three days of shoot left with Sanjay Dutt. However, he is currently undergoing treatment for cancer. Last year, it was said that Dutt was the original choice for the role of Adheera. The film performed well at the ticket windows, despite garnering mixed reviews from critics. It ended up being the highest grossing Kannada film with over £10 million earnings.