Shooting for filmmaker Venkat Prabhu's upcoming film 'Party' has wrapped up in Fiji Islands and now only 10 days of shoot remains to be completed before the project goes into post production. Producer T Siva of Amma Creations said, “We have been shooting for 57 continuous days in Fiji Islands. It is a big multi-starrer and we decided to finish the major schedule without any break and it has now been successfully completed. 'Party' has been shot in both, Tamil and Telugu. It is the first south-Indian film to be shot abroad for such a lengthy schedule. For a south Indian film to have such an ensemble cast and to shoot for 57 continuous days abroad is a record.”
Cast for 'Party' includes Jai, Shiva, Kayal Chandran, Nivetha Pethuraj, Sanchita Shetty, Regina Cassandra, Ramya Krishnan, Sathyaraj, Sampath, and Jayaram.