Actor Venkat Prabhu will play an evil cop in Murali Karthik's upcoming 'Kavalu'. The film which will feature Kalaiyarasan and Karunakaran in the lead, is reportedly based on a couple of incidents that Karthik read about in newspapers. “How one incident changes the lives of the main characters is what the story is about,” he said.
The crew has already finished shooting Venkat's portions in the city. “When I approached him for the role, he was a bit apprehensive as it was a negative role. But we convinced him,” he said. The movie will feature Abhirami Iyer, Pandiarajan, Chinni Jayanth, and Mime Gopi in supporting roles. While Venkat has done several different roles, this is the first time he has donned the khaki. He is meanwhile, also busy with another production venture, directed by Saravanan Rajan, and has Vaibhav, Sana Althaf, and Sampath in important roles.