Madras High Court has restrained Thenandal Studios from using title 'Mersal' for its upcoming Tamil movie featuring Thalapathy Vijay. The interim injunction was granted till October 3 following a civil suit filed by A Rajendran of Film Factori. Justice Anita Sumanth passed the interim order after the petitioner claimed to have registered a similar title with the Tamil Film Producers Council in 2015.
In his affidavit, Rajendran said he had selected title 'Merrasalaitan' two years back to launch his son as a hero. He also claimed to have been renewing the registration every year after the payment of necessary charges. Just last week, 'Mersal' makers unleashed a social media storm after launching as much-awaited teaser. The film features Vijay in three different characters set in three time periods. The teaser launch is on its way to create a record. It has clocked in a phenomenal 9 million views and managed to beat Ajith Kumar's 'Vivegam' that clocked in a record-breaking 10 million views in 3 days.
'Mersal' stars three leading ladies, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Kajal Aggarwal, and Nithya Menen. Music for the film has been rendered by AR Rahman.