Internet trolls yet again went for actress Renu Desai, ex-wife of actor Pawan Kalyan, after she got engaged to new man. Fans of the actor warned her against marrying for the second time, and harassed her online to the point that she quit micro-blogging website Twitter. Before deleting her account, Renu wrote, “I feel there is too much negativity on Twitter. Most of the Twitter accounts are anonymous and personally or professionally frustrated humans, who just like to write negative about film or political people. As I am starting a new phase of life, I've decided to deactivate my twitter handle and stay away from the negativity that comes with it.”
She added, “Thank you all who were genuine well wishers and were kind and gentle with me in my bad phase of life.” While Renu is still on Instagram, the harassment has apparently moved to the photo-sharing website. Meanwhile, Kalyan took to Twitter to wish her luck on her new phase of life, stunning everyone. “My wholehearted wishes to Ms. Renu garu for entering a new phase of happiness. I wish and pray Almighty & the Mother Nature to bestow upon her abundant health, peace and prosperity.”