Actor Trisha Krishnan has been conferred the UNICEF celebrity advocate status, making her the first film actress from southern India to receive the recognition. She will voice the rights of children including adolescents and young people and lend support efforts for addressing anaemia, child marriage, child labour, and child abuse, faced by millions of children, especially in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
“I feel honoured with this recognition. I commit myself to create more awareness on health, education, nutrition and protection of children, especially the adolescents and young people in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. I would support the efforts of the government to make Tamil Nadu malnutrition-free and open defecation free,” Trisha said.
At the special function held to mark World Children’s Day, she interacted with over 50 children who were present at the function. Trisha stressed on education for girls. “If all girls attend school up to 18 years, we can eliminate child marriage and child labour. In long run, girls' education will also contribute to the reduction of maternal and infant mortality and malnutrition among children,” she said. Having completed 10 years in the industry, the 'Khatta Meetha' actress feels it is time to shed her image as a heroine and claim the title of a performer.
Her new image makeover will begin with the film 'Rum' in which she has two other heroines for company. Trisha said that despite the other actresses' presence, her role will be centrally prominent.