Actress Trisha joined the sets of upcoming Malayalam movie 'Ram', starring superstar Mohanlal in the lead role. She noted she felt “blessed” for having had the opportunity to work with “the best.” Sharing a picture of herself along with Mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph, she wrote, “Just chillin amidst one of India’s finest filmakers and the legendary superstar himself. Blessed to be working with the best!(sic).”
Trisha made her debut in Malayalam with 'Hey Jude', which came out in 2018. She was paired opposite Nivin Pauly in the movie, which was directed by filmmaker Shyamaprasad. 'Ram' will be her second outing in Malayalam cinema.
The movie also stars Indrajith Sukumaran, Adil Hussain, Durga Krishnan and Saikumar. The production of the movie is going on in full swing. The film is expected to hit the screens later this year.