Trisha has been roped in for 'Saamy 2', her third film with hero Vikram. The petite actress who has been enjoying a steady run in Kollywood for the past 14 years, confirmed the news on micro-blogging website Twitter. She had played the female lead in 2003 blockbuster 'Saamy' directed by Hari, alongside Vikram. 'Saamy 2' will feature the same trio, produced by Shibu Thameens. The film is expected to go on floors by summer this year. The former Miss Madras is still acting as the female lead in multiple projects that include 'Sathuranga Vettai 2' with Arvind Swamy, '96' with Vijay Sethupathi, 'Garjanai' the Tamil remake of 'NH10' and an untitled Malayalm film with Nivin Pauly among others.