The trailer of upcoming Tamil web series 'November Story' was released last week. The seven-episode series featuring Tamannaah Bhatia in the lead, follows events that unfold in the aftermath of a murder. Going by the trailer, an acclaimed crime story writer now suffering from early Alzheimer’s is at the centre of the murder investigation. All evidence points at the culpability of the writer. Which is why the accused writer's daughter (Tamannaah) takes it onto herself to get to the bottom of the truth.
Talking about the web series, the actress said, “Anuradha is a young, independent, fearless and intelligent woman who takes it upon herself to save her father from being punished for a cold-blooded murder. Portraying such a strong female character who is the hero of the story was one of the most gratifying experiences in my career so far. With its compelling storyline and unique narrative, 'November Story' will keep audiences on the edge of their seats and hooked till the end as the mystery around the murder is uncovered.”
'November Story' also stars Pasupathy, GM Kumar, Aruldass and Vivek Prasanna, among others. The show will start streaming on Disney Plus Hotstar from May 20.