The prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Awards South 2020 has been announced. The awards, which is held to honour the finest talents of the four film industries of South India, including Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, and Kannad, were announced on the occasion of New Year 2021. The biggest names of the South film industries, including Ajith Kumar, Mohanlal, Dhanush, Nagarjuna Akkineni, Shivrajkumar, and so on won the top honours.
Most Versatile Actor: Ajith Kumar; Best Actor: Dhanush (Asuran); Best Actress: Jyotika (Raatchasi). Best Director: R Parthiban (Oththa Seruppu Size 7); Best Film: To Let ;Best Music Director: Anirudh Ravichander.
Most Versatile Actor: Mohanlal; Best Actor: Suraj Venjaramoodu (Android Kunjappan Ver 5.25); Best Actress: Parvathy Thiruvothu (Uyare); Best Director: Madhu C Narayanan (Kumbalangi Nights); Best Film: Uyare; Best Music Director: Deepak Dev.
Most Versatile Actor: Nagarjuna Akkineni; Best Actor: Naveen Polishetty (Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya); Best Actress: Rashmika Mandanna (Dear Comrade); Best Director: Sujeet (Saaho); Best Film: Jersey; Best Music Director: S Thaman.
Most Versatile Actor: Shivrajkumar; Best Actor: Rakshit Shetty (Avane Srinamnnarayana); Best Actress: Tanya Hope (Yajamana); Best Director: Ramesh Indira (Premier Padmini); Best Film: Mookajjiya Kanasugalu.