Following the success of 'Mersal' last year, Vijay announced that he would be collaborating with AR Murugadoss for a soon-to-be-titled project, which will be bankrolled by Sun Pictures. After completing back-to-back schedules in Kolkata and Chennai, makers of 'Thalapathy 62' are likely to resume work from May 12. However, there are some really interesting reports about Vijay's next. If the speculation is to be believed, Vijay will most likely work with director Mohan Raja once again.
Sources said Raja met the actor some time earlier this year and narrated a script, and he gave his nod for the project and also finalised the producer. Also, Raja's latest tweet served as a cryptic message that added fuel to the fire. “Last day of the first phase of discussion :) whatta experience it is always to feel the bliss of putting thought on paper.” An official confirmation is yet to be received. 'Thalapathy 62' meanwhile, is expected to hit the screens later this year.