Thala Ajith and Nayanthara starrer 'Viswasam' raked gold in box office becoming one of the biggest blockbuster of 2019. Released on Pongal along with Rajinikanth's 'Petta', 'Viswasam' was produced by T.G. Thyagarajan under the banner Sathya Jyothi Films.
Recently, Sathya Jyothi Films posted a picture in their official Twitter account which showed that 'Viswasam' topped the list of the most influential moments of Twitter India, while the second and third positions were bagged by the 2019 General Elections and the Cricket World Cup Tournament. The makers thanked Ajith's fans for keeping the buzz high in the social media spaces. 'Viswasam' struck a chord amongst the audience for exploring father-daughter relationships in an action-based milieu directed by 'Siruthai' Siva. The soundtrack of the film is composed by D. Imman.
After 'Viswasam', Sathya Jyothi Films will be bankrolling director R.S. Durai Senthilkumar's 'Pattas', which stars Dhanush, Sneha and Mehreen Pirzada in pivotal roles.