Last year's critically-acclaimed Telugu hit 'Arjun Reddy' is all set to be remade in Hindi, and will be directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga who had made his debut with the original. The controversial film which can be described as a contemporary take on 'Devdas', revolves around love and suffering in its purest and rawest form. Amongst speculations of which Bollywood hero will play the protagonist, it has come to light that Arjun Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor are in the lead.
A media source said Shahid is more likely to land the role as Sandeep is keen to with him. A source said, “Shahid is in talks for the remake and he's most likely to bag the opportunity. He met Sandeeo recently and both of them had a very healthy conversation about joining hands. He even watched the film and was really excited about being part of its remake. However, he can't immediately start shooting because he is committed to Imtiaz Ali's film which is expected to roll from March or April. Sandeep is willing to wait till September to see if he can have Shahid on board and until then wants to keep his options open.”