Trailer of Netflix India's upcoming Telugu anthology film 'Pitta Kathalu' is out and going by the visuals, the movie promises distinct stories of four bold women and their journeys. The movie features shorts by four directors, with bold themes. It is the story of four women, four journeys of love, and betrayal. Women in the story are seen challenging the norms and breaking away from a man's world.
Lead cast of the movie includes Amala Paul, Ashwin Kakumanu, Eesha Rebba, Jagapathi Babu, Lakshmi Manchu, Saanvi Megghana, Sanjith Hegde, and Shruti Haasan among others. The four short films are directed by Nag Ashwin, Nandini Reddy, Sankalp Reddy, and Tharun Bhascker. 'Pitta Kathalu' will be produced by RSVP Movies and Flying Unicorn Entertainment.
This is the maiden anthology from the Telugu industry. It is believed to be an adaptation of Netflix's own 'Lust Stories'.