Well-known Tamil cinematographer-turned-filmmaker KV Anand, 54, passed away from a cardiac arrest last week. He leaves behind a rich legacy of movies across the Malayalam, Tamil, and Hindi film industry. Anand began his career as a photojournalist. His first stint in the film industry began as an assistant to cinematographer PC Sreeram. Anand made his debut as a cinematographer with Malayalam film 'Thenmavin Kombath' starring Mohanlal. He also worked in Hindi films such as 'Doli Saja Ke Rakhna', 'Josh', 'Nayak', and 'Khakee'.
His death sent shock waves across the industry and celebrities took to Twitter to share their condolences. Music composer Harris Jayaraj, a constant collaborator with Anand, wrote, “unfortunate and extremely shocked to hear this devastating News. RIP my friend KV Anand (sic).” Actor Allu Arjun wrote, “Just woke up to this sad news that Dir KV Anand garu is no more. Wonderful cameraman , brilliant director and very nice gentleman. Sir you will always be remembered & missed. Condolences to the near, dear & family. Rest in Peace Sir.”
Anand made his directorial debut with 2005 Tamil film 'Kana Kandaen', and went on to direct six more movies. His last work was Tamil movie 'Kaapaan'.