Tamil actor Vijaya Lakshmi reportedly attempts suicide

Wednesday 05th August 2020 05:54 EDT

Tamil actor Vijaya Lakshmi reportedly attempted suicide following social media bullying by the followers of Naam Tamizhar party. In a video posted by her on social media, she revealed that she has been under a lot of stress over the last few months due to the constant bullying and harassment by Seeman and his party members.

She urged Seeman and popular political outfit Panankattu Padai's Hari Nadar be arrested for harassing her over difference of opinions. She can be heard saying in the video, “This is my last video. I have been under extreme stress in the last four months because of Seeman and his party men. I tried my best to survive for my mother and my sister. I have been humiliated by Hari Nadar in the media. I have consumed BP tablets. In some time my BP will be low and I will be dead.”

She went on to say that Seeman slut-shamed her through posts on social media. She has been admitted to a private hospital where she's undergoing treatment.

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