Southern superstar Tamannaah Bhatia is all set to host the first season of the Telugu version of popular cooking reality show MasterChef India. Her debut as a TV presenter, she is expected to begin shooting for the show next month. Passionate about cooking, Tamannaah said coming on board the show as a host was an exciting development.
She released a statement saying, “I can't wait to treat myself to all the exotic culinary delights on set. It's going to be extremely exciting and gratifying.” The show will be shot at film city in Bidadi, Karnataka, where a huge set is currently being set up. MasterChef Telugu will have 26 episodes of one hour each, and opening and closing episodes of 90 minutes each.
Sun TV Network has bagged the satellite rights for producing the regional versions of the show in Sun TV (Tamil), Gemini TV (Telugu), Udaya TV (Kannada), and Surya TV (Malayalam). Actors Vijay Sethupathi, Prithviraj Sukumaran, and Kichcha Sudeep will host the show's Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada versions respectively.
On the work front, Tamannaah will next be seen in Hindi film 'Bole Chudiyan', and in Telugu films 'Seetimaarr', 'Gurthunda Seethakalam' and 'Maestro'.