Producer Thiyagarajan has confirmed that he's in talks with Tabu to play the lead in Tamil remake of 'Andhadhun'. National award-winning Hindi blockbuster 'Andhadhun' has also Tabu in the leading role, along with Aayshmaan Khraana. Tamil remake will have a Thiyagarajan's son in Khuraana's role. In his recent interview, Thiyagarajan said he has a word with Tabu. They are keen to make her reprise her own role from the original. In the interview, he confirmed that the shoot of the remake was scheduled to start in April. However, the same has been postponed due to the ongoing lockdown amid coronavirus pandemic.
Thiyagarajan also quashed reports that maestro Ilayaraja will be composing tunes for the film. He said that he will reveal the music director soon. Thiagarajan said many production houses vied to acquire the remake rights of 'Andhadhun.' "Almost every production house and star in our industry was trying to get the remake rights. But I've been in talks with the Bollywood production house since its release because the script is a powerful one. Every time a star expressed interest, the rate shot up, but in the end, since I've a good rapport with the production house, I managed to get the rights for this film as well," he said.