Actor Taapsee Pannu is returning to Telugu cinema after a brief gap of three years with upcoming thriller 'Mishan Impossible'. Makers of the movie welcomed her on board with a special announcement. A tweet from Matinee Entertainment read, “This ‘Mishan’ is surely ‘Impossible’ without her Welcoming the amazingly talented @taapsee on board for #MishanImpossible”.
The project has reportedly already gone on the floors, and will be directed by Swaroop RSJ of 'Agent Sai Srinivas Athreya' fame. On the work front, Taapsee has a slew of projects in her kitty. She was recently seen in crime thriller 'Haseen Dillruba', and has projects like 'Rashmi Rocket', 'Roop Lapeta', 'Dobaaraa', and 'Shabaash Mithu' in the offing.
She awaits the release of Tamil film titled 'Jana Gana Mana', which is tipped to be a remake of Akshay Kumar's 'Baby'. She also has a Tamil comedy with Vijay Sethupathi in the pipeline.