The film industry is thrilled with veteran Mammootty, who is all set to essay the late Andhra Pradesh chief minister YS Rajashekhara Reddy in his biopic titled 'Yatra'. Shared on Facebook, the first look poster received a very good response from fans. While the hype around the movie wasn't enough, it was soon reported that megastar Suriya will play YSR's son Jagan in the film. Unconfirmed, the thought of the two stars in one movie was more than the fans could take.
However, filmmakers have shut down the rumours saying the news is completely false. Director Mahi V Raghav is yet to approach Suriya for the project. To be bankrolled by 70MM Entertainments, the filmmakers are only just finalising the cast and crew of the project. Mammootty will make a comeback in Telugu industry after 25 years, with 'Yatra'. The movie will chronicle the life journey of YS Rajasekhara Reddy, who died in 2009 due to a helicopter crash.