'Mom' actress Sridevi expressed shock over 'Baahubali' director SS Rajamouli's comments about her not being a part of the epic series. During a recently held interview, Rajamouli apparently stated that even though Sridevi was approached initially for the Rajmaata character, her fees was beyond the film's budget and hence the idea of casting her was dropped. While Rajamouli did not mention anything, it is rumoured that the actress had demanded a salary of £1 million, and an entire floor of a Five Star hotel booked for her and her staff during the shoot.
Refuting the allegations, Sridevi said she was saddened by the director's comments and called him a calm and dignified person with whom she will always be happy to work with. She said he must have been misinformed by the film producers on why she could not take a part in the magnum opus. The role of Rajmaata Sivagami was seen to be brilliantly played by Ramya Krishnan.